30 “Quick Gameplay Thoughts”, he attributed this feeling to lack of agency. Riot is aware of the feeling of ADCs being weak. Because of this, players are attracted to mages to win the game earlier and harder. They have more early and mid game power, not needing 30 minutes to properly scale up. Though they do have below 1% play rates, their win rates are higher than most marksmen. Karthus, Heimerdinger and Swain all find some play in the bottom lane. Many players simply don’t find most marksmen worthwhile to play.Īs such, mages have found their way back into the bottom lane. They also have far less play rates, except for Ezreal. Almost all other marksmen are hovering just slightly over a 50% win rate or far below. He has a 52.7% win rate and 33.2% pick rate according to op.gg. The only bot-lane marksmen that is thriving right now is Lucian. Itemization is certainly a cause of this, but there seems to be more underlying issues. The champions themselves are relatively weak too. The Current State of Bot Lane Carries High Noon Lucian splash art. But in this case, it takes away from the struggling marksmen and benefits a role with an already wide array of item choices. Its great to have items more accessible to more champions. Champions like Jax, Renekton, Riven and Fiora all find the item more useful than an ADC would. Instead, bruisers and fighters have picked it up as their own. The only champion that would build it is Lucian, but only three of the eight most common builds on op.gg use it.

For many, it feels awkward to buy because of its extreme late-game scaling in a very mid-game-oriented meta.įinally, Essence Reaver was an item that could be built on ADCs but rarely anymore.

The AD and True Damage are nice additions, but don’t compensate enough for the late build it necessitates. It doesn’t give Crit on its own, it only doubles what you have, so it must be built after a Crit/Attack Speed item. The item is quite expensive now, which doesn’t suit it well. The problem is that all Crit-ADCs buy it, and because it is only useful as a first item, builds are very stale Crit itemization takes a long time to scale up, so the early power Stormrazor gives ADCs the necessary early power to survive and fight somewhat effectively. This item is practically a must-buy for most Crit marksmen as a first item. Stormrazor is largely the cause for the stale build paths. Riot wanted there to be more variation in marksmen builds, but they ended up doing the opposite.
Changes made in patch 8.11 turned out to be harmful for the role overall by many measures. Marksmen currently have some of the most problematic itemization choices in LoL. Because marksmen are so integral to the game, it’s important to understand how these champions are faring and what will change in the future. They are joined by many others on social media who voice their concerns. These two discuss the weakness of their bottom lane carry role frequently on their Twitch streams. Prominent among these voices are streamers Michael “Imaqtpie” Santana and Tyler “Tyler1” Steinkamp. There are quite a large number of people upset about how ADCs are performing at the moment. Now, the current state of ADCs is a hotly debated topic in the LoL community. Riot Games has made changes to help champions in this role and it has made a difference. Critical Strike (“Crit”) item changes in patch 8.11 pushed most marksmen straight out of the meta. In recent history though,their role has changed. For years, they were the backbone of most team compositions. Attack Damage Carries (ADCs) have long been the focus of LoL meta-games.